PaPanBread - Internationality on Daily Occurrence

UNIVERSITAT DE LLEIDA Facultat Lletres Sociolinguistics PaPanBread, Internationality on a Daily Occurrence Project by Elizabeth MacDougall, Rebecca Zolli and Maria Chiappin Presented to Maria Sabaté Dalmau English Language in Context Group 2 March 29th, 2019 PAPANBREAD Internationality on Daily Occurrence 1. INTRODUCTION A variety of languages can be observed on signs, banners, posters and other linguistic landscapes (LLs) in the city of Lleida, Catalonia, Spain. It is vital to acknowledge and analyze the purpose of linguistic tokens as they reflect the world we live in. Languages carry various values and tell a story by leaving imprints and slices of history and culture. PaPanBread, a local bakery shop, uses three distinct languages on their commercial sign. This diversity in language illustrates social, cultural, and linguistic factors in this given context, Lleida. The PaPanBread sign has a commercial purp...