ScreenBox Lleida: commercial multilingualism in Lleida.
● Street name: Carrer de Pi i Margall, 26, 25004 Lleida ● Name of linguistic landscape: Screenbox Lleida ● Alphabet: Roman Multilingual( English, Catalan) Title and view, English, but then all the instrumental (needed) information is in Catalan only. So it is mostly a Catalan sign. ● Activity Domain: leisure, culture and commercial. ● Support/ Medium: entrance wall (mural) ● Type of sign: front-door of the business. ● Production: Bottom-up Authors( group): Aida Pericon and Ares Lopez INTRODUCTION This activity aims to analyze and focus on the linguistic landscapes (LL) found in the city of Lleida by the students of English Studies at the University of Lleida. This project activity is to illustrate that most cities in Catalonia, in this case, LLeida, are no longer monolingual. English, nowadays, ...