Project Localising English in Lleida (UdL)

Sociolinguistics Course: English Language in Context (ELiC) Instructor: Maria Sabaté-Dalmau ( This is a collective university project on Linguistic Landscapes (henceforth LL) involving the uses and social meanings of English in Lleida City. It was first created in 2018/2019 by 2nd-year students of English Studies at the University of Lleida (Catalonia) enrolled in the course "English Language in Context".The goal of this project is to observe, document, present and critically analyse the uses and social meanings of different public local and global language resources in multimodal signs located in Lleida City, over eight weeks. LL is used as an innovative pedagogical tool to learn how to do research in sociolinguistics and to raise awareness and foster self-reflection abilities about the role of multilingualism in socioeconomic transformations and in different types of mobilities and migrations, linked to globalisation processes in the era of tra...