EXPLORING THE MULTIFACETED ECONOMIC IMPACT OF ENGLISHISATION THROUGH THE CASE OF "MENÚS TAKE AWAY" IN LLEIDA by Inés Larroya, Valèria Ribes and Georgina Vera 1. INTRODUCTION Our linguistic landscape token “Menús Take Away” is a commercial banner or poster located in the neighbour of Cappont, specifically in Avinguda de les Garrigues, 39, 25001. This commercial entity joins three different languages in a multilingual manner: Catalan, English and Spanish (all formal), with Catalan emerging as the foreground one. Embracing commerce, this banner employs a bottom-up production by the owner and only one type of alphabet, so it is monoglossic. What is more, by using different languages, it welcomes individuals from various linguistic backgrounds, including locals as well as international passersby who can read “take away” easily. 2. CONTEXTUALISATION Figure 1: Neighbourhood of Cappont Source: Picture taken from Google Maps Figure 2: Impoverished zone Cappont Source: photo taken by...